What You Should and Should Not Do After Embedded 20 Year Old Extraction?

14 September 2023by HGH0

Tricks of Impacted 20 Year Old Tooth Extraction Treatment

  • Do not eat anything until the anesthesia wears off. You may bite and injure your soft tissues due to numbness.
  • Discard the tampon placed in your mouth by your doctor after 30 minutes. Do not replace it with cotton, napkins, etc.
  • Avoid spitting and sucking for 24 hours. These actions may cause the clot to break down at the wound site, causing bleeding and the wound not to close.
  • Do not smoke for 48 hours. Smoking will cause bleeding and delayed healing of the wound.
  • Do not tug on the wound area or poke it with your finger or tongue.
  • You may feel pain as the anesthesia starts to wear off. Take a painkiller – other than aspirin – when you feel the anesthesia starting to wear off.
  • Take care not to chew on the surgical site, it is recommended to eat soft foods as much as possible.
  • Avoid very hot, acidic foods and drinks.
  • Keep the surgical site clean. Start using mouthwash 24 hours after the procedure and clean the area twice a day with mouthwash. You can start brushing your teeth after 24 hours
  • Be sensitive and careful when brushing your teeth near the surgical site.
  • Take the medicines recommended by your doctor regularly.
  • Come to your check-ups as recommended by your doctor.

As On7 Dental Clinic, we provide comfortable service to our patients from all over the world with our expert physicians.

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